Camden, Camden & Associates (CCA) is a premier Community Rehabilitation Program, and a proud member of TRAN, contracted and funded through the Texas Workforce Solutions-Vocational Rehabilitation Services (http://www.twc.state.tx.us). Since January 2009, CCA has experienced tremendous job development and placement success in providing the following services to those with mild to moderate disabilities:
- Supported employment
- Job placement
- Job coaching
Our Career Specialists continue to establish outstanding business relationships throughout Dallas & Tarrant County, relationships that ultimately provide a clear roadmap for individuals who are re-entering the workforce or just starting their career for the first time. With twenty-eight years of experience serving individuals with disabilities, both personally and professionally, CCA Staff are passionate about providing a continuum of services that establish strong business relationships that both meet the employer and consumer needs. At the same time, CCA paves the way for individuals with disabilities to ultimately achieve independence to the fullest extent possible.
To best evaluate consumer skills and employer needs that will achieve stable long-term employment, multiple meetings with Career Specialists occur over a period of three to six weeks. Services are provided throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex at a variety of locations:
- Area libraries
- Job sites
- Consumer homes
- TWC offices
CCA staff conducts employer contacts to not only establish relationships, but to also evaluate their staffing needs in conjunction with CCA's qualified applicants that may be a good fit for the particular business environment. CCA approaches each consumer individually realizing that everyone regardless of abilities has unique skills and goals that must be considered in the job development and placement process.
All CCA staff is credentialed through the TWC sponsored certification program from the University of North Texas.
Spanish Language Interpreter available
Camden, Camden & Associates takes a 5 tiered approach to success. For more details check out our service page.

CCA has a proven track record of placing workers in the right setting to ensure their business success.

We take pride in building relationships with local businesses to increase our clients employment opportunities.